Course is looking great on St John.
Although we are battling with an old irrigation system, we are still presenting a great playing surface throughout the Greens, Tee’s, and fairways. We have achieved great results in growing our bent grass this growing season and it is now time to focus on our green speed. Our greens would be at 95% coverage, and we know they are rolling true. We aim to keep the greens around 10 feet on the stimp and we know this is achievable. As of this morning, they were 9, up from 8 at the start of the week.
Update on the poa annua throughout the greens. We had great results with a product called ‘Regulate’, this product is to suppress poa and if used in a routine program can result in the eradication of the weed entirely.
We found when we were using this product fortnightly, we were killing off way too much Poa annua during the Pennant and Club championship regime. We need to now pause and wait till after March when we will recommence our eradication program.
We have plans to commence Bunker renovations on St John at the start of April and work through a range of medium/small bunkers throughout the course before it becomes too wet to continue.
Unfortunately with capillary concrete bunkers being completed on Henley they have used our trailers and also with an extremely wet start to summer with ‘La Nina’ in full effect it made it very difficult to commence any bunker work without making a mess of the golf course.
Other good news is that all brand new Drinking Fountains were installed yesterday on both St John and Henley Courses.
We appreciate your patience as golfers and want to assure you our goals are all the same, We will continue to work hard to bring the Heritage back to where it belongs.
Kind regards
Jordan Dunstone
St John Superintendent