The Club House not only has a new menu, it has new operators in the restaurant and behind the bar.
According to Will, who is the new manager, ‘the menu is a work in progress’ and he plans to include and remove items as he becomes more familiar with the needs and preferences of Members.
Based in Ringwood East, the business is owned by Lisa and has been operating for many years. Please be sure to say hello and welcome them to Heritage. Maddie is making the coffee. Christine and Shirley are behind the counter.
Lisa’s homemade dumplings are famous in the Ringwood neighbourhood. The menu currently includes cakes and sandwiches and a Chinese menu of spring rolls, beef or duck pancake, noodles, fried rice, honey chicken and of course, sweet and sour pork.
The Club House bar and restaurant will now be open from 7am – and the coffee is good.