It is with great excitement that we provide this update regarding the Pro Shop. We know that many of you have been asking – so let us confirm; the Pro shop has been restructured to offer a more professional service.
The Pro Shop is central to the golfing experience and it is our intention to create a warm and engaging environment. In addition, we are currently working with Golf Australia and interviewing to find a new Pro.
This shift in thinking has been inspired by our new Management team – which is focused on making significant changes and improvements for Members. As you know, we have a new Managing Director Cher Coad, a new-old General Manager Terrence Cooley, new Marketing and Events Manger Will McLean, new Marketing and Communications Manager Ann McAllister.
We are in discussions with Jack Nicklaus to re-instate the Signature. We expect this will take 18 months to two years and are excited to be moving forward with the support of the Jack Nicklaus team.
Photographer, Gary Lisbon took some amazing photos of St John a few months ago – so I’ve included a few to inspire you. We plan to use them as part of an advertising campaign welcoming Social Groups. Look for Heritage in Golf Australia Magazine and Inside Golf.
This week, we have been contacting our former Members and encouraging them to re-join and of course, new Membership is always available.
Please spread the word.
Our email details are: Ann or Will at annmcallister@hgcc.com.au or will.mclean@hgcc.com.au